Carpinteria Community Awards Gala – April 1

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The 64th Annual Carpinteria Community Awards Gala will be held on April 1 at Rincon Beach Club.

The Community Awards Gala honors community members who have gone above and beyond. This includes two extraordinary educators of the year who receive funding for classroom supplies; a Jr. Carpinterian of the Year and two runner-ups, all of which are awarded scholarships; merit awards honoring volunteers from the Carpinteria Community, service clubs, and various nonprofits; and, at the end of the evening, the Carpinterian of the Year. Registration is now open. Seating is limited. Click here to secure your ticket.

Nominations for Carpinterian of the Year and Jr Carpinterian of the Year are now available

2022 Carpinterian of the Year nomination form, click here.

Criterion for Junior Carpinterian of the Year Applicants, click here, for google form click here.

2022 Chamber of Commerce Junior Carpinterian of the Year Application, click here.

For more information or to contribute to the Junior Carpinterian Scholarship Fund, please contact Berlin at