
2024 Voters Guide


Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce is proud to present our 2024 Voters Guide. Part of the Chamber’s charter and mission is to connect business with the government in meaningful ways. Our annual Voters Guide is not meant to tell you who or what to vote for. That is up to you. Our job is to identify the candidates and measures that are most aligned with our pro-business mission, as it relates to the quality of life in our communities.

The Chamber sent questionnaires to candidates running for County Supervisor in Districts 1, 3 and 4. Below you will find the candidates answers to these questionnaires.

The Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce also sponsors the South Coast Business Action Fund, a group of business leaders who work together for pro-business political action. We also endorse business-friendly candidates and raise money to help elect Chamber supported candidates, and recruit business leaders to run for office. Visit to learn more or to donate today.

Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber 2024 Santa Barbara Voters Guide

Santa Barbara County District Candidate Questionnaire Responses

Question 1: Candidate Priorities

Please list your personal top priorities for the County of Santa Barbara and provide your plan for seeing these priorities realized.

Question 2: Santa Barbara County Business Climate

How would you describe the current business climate in the County of Santa Barbara, as well as the County’s current relationship with local businesses? Is there anything you would like to see change in this regard?

 Question 3: Economic Development 

Compare your priorities for economic development within the County of Santa Barbara to the County’s current economic development priorities? 

Question 4: Housing

What do you believe is the state of housing in the County of Santa Barbara? What are your priorities regarding housing in the County of Santa Barbara? 

Question 5: Energy and Reliability

What do you believe is the state of energy and electricity reliability in the County of Santa Barbara? What are your priorities regarding energy and electricity reliability in the County of Santa Barbara?

Question 6: Childcare

What do you believe is the state of childcare in the County of Santa Barbara? What are your priorities regarding childcare in the County of Santa Barbara?

Question 7: Workforce Development

What opportunities do you see for the County of Santa Barbara to collaborate with local industries on workforce development?