Chamber Advocacy Around Old Town Restriping Pays Off

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The Chamber celebrates the next step in the initiation of the Old Town Hollister Restriping Project, which will take that stretch of Hollister from four lanes to two. The Chamber has been a long-time advocate for the restriping project after working to reach consensus with the business community on this issue. Slowing down traffic in the area is an important part of making Old Town feel more like a community downtown and less like a thoroughfare. For the Chamber, this issue has always been about placemaking and business vitality. 

March 18 marked the kickoff of Project Connect, the umbrella project which the Restriping Project falls under and the largest capital improvement project in the history of the City of Goleta. Chamber President & CEO, Kristen Miller was thrilled to support the project alongside South Coast elected officials at its groundbreaking ceremony this Monday. The project aims to enhance pedestrian access and safety, improve road conditions, and build critical linkage throughout Goleta. 

Read the press release here.