Chamber Monitors Effects of New County Districts

The Chamber worked diligently throughout the county’s redistricting process which completed on December 13, 2021. Changes to county district lines have resulted in around a third of county’s residents finding themselves within a different county district. The 3rd District is the most dramatic, with over half of the population being new to the district. The final county district map, adopted on December 13, 2021, can be viewed here.

The Chamber looks forward to the new opportunities and positive effects that the results of the redistricting process will bring to the South Coast region. Throughout the process the Chamber worked to analyze and identify maps that made the most sense for our communities, and the county as a whole, as well as offering feedback on draft maps as the commission continued to narrow down the choices. The final map’s alignment with the Chamber’s redistricting priorities, as well as the potential positive changes these new districts bring to our region point to a successful redistricting process.