Public Policy Committee Update

The Chamber has offered support to the Safe Parking program, which plays an important role in helping homeless individuals transition to housing before they end up on the streets. At last month’s Public Policy Committee meeting on December 16th, the committee welcomed guest speakers Kristine Schwarz, Sara Grasso, and Cassie Roach with New Beginnings. The group shared information about the Safe Parking program which provides a safe place to park and sleep for families and individuals living in their vehicles while they transition to housing. Thanks to the program’s guidelines and monitoring, the program has been incident free since its implementation in 2003. The Safe Parking program is continuing to grow, and local lot owners are encouraged to explore how they might participate. For more information on the Safe Parking program, click here.

The committee also welcomed Matthew Goodwin with Carp Partners, LLC. Matthew presented on their concept for a community driven regenerative farm, boutique hotel, restaurant and residential experience that would be located in Carpinteria. The goal of this project is to serve as an example of truly sustainable development that creates a symbiotic relationship between the environment, community, and local economy. This project is a truly unique concept based on thoughtful and considerate land-use. Matthew has worked to incorporate local community feedback into the concept of this project, and continues to do so.