Santa Barbara County 2030 Climate Action Plan


The County of Santa Barbara has officially released the Draft 2030 Climate Action Plan (CAP), which includes programs and policies associated with the 6 focus areas of the CAP. The Chamber has reviewed the 71-page document to identify items of interest to the business community. 

The top three items of note are as follows: 

“Develop an ordinance that requires large employers, including the County, to meet vehicle trip and emission reduction goals, or pay non-compliance fees to expand transit and commuter services and resources. Partner with SBCAG to work with large employers within the unincorporated County achieve a 50-80% telework participation rate by eligible employees able to work remotely consistent with Connected 2050 RTP/SCS.” (Page 22: TR-2.10) This proposed action goes against the Chamber’s platform in support of business-friendly policies. While the Chamber recognizes the importance of increased transit and commuter services, an incentive-based policy would be a much more equitable and successful at achieving these goals than the proposed con-compliance fees. 

“Existing building electrification plan 14% of existing buildings (by 2024).” (Page 28: CE-1.2) Initial review of this action raised questions over which buildings would be targeted, how target buildings would be identified, what exemptions will remain for businesses that require natural gas infrastructure, and what considerations have been made regarding the potential disruption electrification of existing buildings may cause to business operation. 

“Implement best practices and streamline permitting processes for projects associate with renewable energy and electrical infrastructure upgrades.” (Page 29: CE-1.9) This action is in line with the Chamber’s previous work and conversations around simplifying the processes for businesses to implement renewable energy and electrical infrastructure upgrade project. 

Click here to view the Draft 2030 Climate Action Plan.