The State Street Advisory Committee (SSAC), responsible for working with and guiding the work of the City’s State Street Master Plan consultant MIG Inc, met on August 15 to kick off their work. The work of the State Street Advisory Committee is not to be confused with the work of the Sate Street Interim Operations Ad Hoc Committee made up solely of three City Councilmembers addressing concerns and issues regarding the short-term operations of State Street leading up to the State Street Master Plan’s implementation. The State Street Master Plan is far more long-term and will build upon the eight-block closure of State Street and set the plan for creating a more permanent pedestrian focused promenade.
The State Street Advisory Committee is made up of a combination of local stakeholder representatives and three City Councilmembers. The Chamber’s President and CEO, Kristen Miller, is a member of the committee and is excited to be a part of the Master Plan process. Dave Davis, Chair of SSAC, kicked of Monday’s meeting by referring to the SSAC’s work as our current community’s “Pearl Chase moment,” whose plan for downtown Santa Barbara carried through for 100 years following the 1925 earthquake.