Successful State Of The County Connects Local Businesses And Government

State Of County 2025-12

On August 23, the Chamber hosted its highly anticipated annual State of the County event at The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, drawing an impressive crowd of over 300 attendees. View event photos here.

This premier gathering served as a vital platform for the local business community to explore the current economic landscape and hear about key issues being tackled by local government. The event featured a distinguished lineup of speakers, including Mona Miyasato from the Santa Barbara County Executive Office (view presentation), Peter Rupert, Director of the UC Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project (view presentation), and Steve Lavagnino, Fifth District Supervisor and Chair.

The State of the County event is known for bringing together elected officials, business leaders, and government representatives to discuss the local economic landscape and provide forecasts for the future. For more details and insights from the event, read more from KEYT News, Noozhawk, and from the County of Santa Barbara.